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Category: Online Technologies, e-Business, Cybersecurity

John Shier
John Shier joins Jim Blasingame to report on the increased incidents of cyber-attacks by bad actors taking advantage of the coronavirus pandemic, including scams and malware.
Jeff Zbar
Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what he’s learned about being a home-based, remote worker for over 30 years, including his tried and true tips, best practices and technology.
Caleb Barlow
Caleb Barlow joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the extra layer of concerns for data security professionals as cyber-criminals redouble their efforts to breach our systems during the pandemic period.
Caleb Barlow
Caleb Barlow joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that using a VPN connection will add cyber-crime protection during the work-from-home period, plus changing your SSID on your model to a “Quad 9” setting, as in “9999”.
Caleb Barlow
Caleb Barlow joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the weak points of our home WiFi networks and how to protect from cyber-criminals during the pandemic work-from-home period.
Anna Murray
Anna Murray joins Jim Blasingame to report on how cyber-criminals are using the threat of the coronavirus to get unsuspecting people to become victims as they seek pandemic news.
Robert Grede
Robert Grede joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the second set of five ad copy rules to follow in order to be more compelling and sell more, including use of testimonials, tell the truth, and review all of the foregoing nine rules before you send.
Robert Grede
Robert Grede joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the first five of his 10 rules for writing compelling ad copy that sells, including the headline, benefits and facts.
Christophe Uzureau
Christophe Uzureau joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how the tokenization element of blockchain will impact business in the future, and to predict that blockchain will be widespread in the economy by 2023.
Christophe Uzureau
Christophe Uzureau joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the five elements of blockchain applications and how this will be used as we adopt the new open source technology.

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