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Category: Online Technologies, e-Business, Cybersecurity

Scott Aurnou
Scott Aurnou joins Jim Blasingame to report on the increased amount and sophistication of the cybercrime, phishing, and how to make sure you don’t become a victim.
Scott Aurnou
Scott Aurnou joins Jim Blasingame to report on how California and New York are joining the EU in imposing privacy policies for customers of businesses.
Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that most multitasking today is a result of lack of focus, managing problems instead of solving them, and failure to delegate.
Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how lazy some people are about the way they address others online, especially using email, and some suggestions for picking up your professional online behavior.
Sean Doyle
Sean Doyle joins Jim Blasingame to reveal examples of how not to send an email sales pitch, including specific mistakes that we see every day.
Sean Doyle
Sean Doyle joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why, with all the innovations today, email continues to be relevant as the foundational digital communicating resource.
Noel Hayden
Noel Hayden joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the relevance imperative of having a mobile website and why Google discriminates against those who don’t.
Noel Hayden
Noel Hayden joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the transition that’s been made in the past few years to having your website ready for all users, especially those who use mobile search.
Ramon Ray
Ramon Ray joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why you have to ask customers what’s important to them as they consider doing business with you, and then develop a content marketing strategy around that.
Ramon Ray
Ramon Ray joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the ways to develop and distribute content that is relevant to the expectations your prospects and customers have for your business.

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