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Category: Online Technologies, e-Business, Cybersecurity

Ilise Benun
Ilise Benun joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to focus content marketing after you’ve discovered what the most pressing issue for each customer is.
Adam Baratta
Adam Baratta joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why gold will likely benefit from any growth in the main stream acceptance of crypto-currencies as payment for goods and services.
Angel  Gambino
Angel Gambino joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the new artificial intelligence tools available to small businesses that can help them mine their own data, and use outside data to reach new customers.
Christopher Bishop
Chris Bishop joins Jim Blasingame to report on the geeky tech content you’ll find at most artificial intelligence conferences, and the need for more intuitive interface help for business people.
Dr. Eric Cole
Dr. Eric Cole joins Jim Blasingame to offer suggestions on the steps a small business should take when it’s discovered that there has been a cyber-breach, including data and equipment.
Dr. Eric Cole
Dr. Eric Cole joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some tips, tools and best practices that can be used to avoid being a victim of cyber-crime, including using cloud-based service, including data backup.
Dr. Eric Cole
Dr. Eric Cole joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the evidence that shows the cyber-bad-guys are coming down market to breach the cyber-world of small businesses.
Terri Maxwell
Terri Maxwell joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why showing your small business’s authentic side is the online equivalent of a silver bullet that no big company – even Amazon – can compete with.
Terri Maxwell
Terri Maxwell joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that too many small businesses are still not keeping up with their digital marketing strategies, and why even a little digital effort works for most customers.
Pete Sepp
Pete Sepp joins Jim Blasingame to report on how Congress is taking steps to reduce the negative impact of the Internet tax ruling by the Supreme Court on small businesses.

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