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Category: Women and Minority Issues

Karen Cortell Reisman
Karen Cortell Reisman joins Jim Blasingame to report on her recent trip to India, including how the marketplace looked and how the people treated an American.
Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to report that on average, women pay more for personal products, deodorant, shampoo, etc. that men, and what the answer might be.
Beverly Flaxington
Beverly Flaxington joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how being able to laugh at yourself takes pressure off of a confidence deficit, plus how having confidence is different for men and women.
Janet Christy
Janet Christy joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that there are some advantages that women entrepreneurs have over men.
Janet Christy
Janet Christy joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that women sometimes create challenges unnecessarily, and how to stop doing that.
Janet Christy
Janet Christy joins Jim Blasingame to celebrate International Women’s History Month by revealing some of the myths about women business ownership, including some they believe themselves.
Joel Libava
Joel Libava joins Jim Blasingame to share stories about mistakes people make when they buy a small business, plus an update on the Obama administration’s NLRB war on the franchise industry.
Patricia Greene
Patti Greene joins Jim Blasingame to discuss women's entrepreneurial leadership, and whether women work better, and are more confident, in teams.
Patricia Greene
Patti Greene joins Jim Blasingame to report on the Global Entrepreneurship monitor, which indicates that women business ownership is up across the globe.
Patricia Greene
Patti Greene joins Jim Blasingame to encourage women in the marketplace today to recognize those ladies who went before them and broke down many of the barriers that women entrepreneurs faced.

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