Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to report on one business that discovered their merchant account had a limit on how much a customer could pay them in a single transaction.
Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to build a cash flow projection for your business that includes a new real estate acquisition.
Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how a cash flow projection is one of the most powerful tools any business manager has.
Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that cash is like oxygen for your business and profit is like food, but you have to have both for long-term sustainability.
Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the impact on cash when you reduce debt and debt service, and how this impacts profitability too.
Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some tips and best practices on how to ask customers for deposits or advances on their order so you can improve your cash flow.
Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the power that you can generate by using your customer lists as a profit generator.
Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how being busy can cause you to take your eye of of the fundamentals and do stupid things.
Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that it's not what you make that counts, but what you keep, as she explains that volume may not be the key to your prime goal of profitability.
Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the upcoming third annual Small Business World Summit and the line-up of experts who will be providing video sessions on small business success.