Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the role that trust plays when building a team and maximizing the power of it.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the power and leverage of building bonds among your team members.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to offer suggestions on how to challenge your team to accomplish a specific goal to encourage them to grow together.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the mistakes small businesses make regarding making their business customer friendly, and how to make the necessary changes.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the mistakes businesses make with their operating policies that turn off customers, like not having convenient opening hours, or customer-friendly websites, including mobile.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to recommend having a solid and enforced guarantee to offer customers as a way of strengthening your long-term relationship with them.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what the cycle of service is, and how to begin the process of making sure your cycle is what you think it is.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the expectations and standards to use when beginning a new customer relationship.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the power and process of training all employees how to take care of customers, regardless of their assignments.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the many different kinds of “Moment of Truth” your company experiences with customers, from online to the telephone.