Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to recommend applying behavioral metrics, like the DISC system, to your people so you know how to motivate each behavior type to be more fulfilled at work.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the fact that your people may be giving you feedback that isn’t accurate, frank or even truthful, because of the culture of the company and your management style.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to reveal three fear factors heavily influencing the level of candor in the information you get from your people, and three strategies for minimizing them.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to promote more candid and trustworthy feedback by assigning ownership of jobs to employees and making you a contributor to the accomplishment of that job.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how the Baby Boomer generation thinks and how to communicate with the customers in that generation.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that if you want to have more Baby Boomer customers, make eye contact, say thank you, and practice marketplace etiquette.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to report on a survey that indicates that Boomers care about trust, competence and human touch.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the power of learning how to delegate, including four ideas that will help you stay focused.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to identify where you’re getting in your own way, and stop sabotaging the work that you know must be done.
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the ways he’s observed businesses turn challenges into opportunities, just by looking at them differently.