Category: 3rd Ingredient®
Melinda Emerson joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the elements to break down when evaluating the performance of your business.
Nick Cioffi joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that his education didn’t prepare him for what he needed to know about the fundamentals of customer service.
Pam Danziger joins Jim Blasingame to report on research about the impact of testosterone on purchasing decisions, and to discuss the different ways that behavior might manifest.
Arky Ciancutti joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the current convergence of divergent forces -- high tech leverage and high touch humanity -- and that a digital interface must be created, because “humans require trust.”
Arky Ciancutti joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the fact that the first version of digital leverage, including AI, was created without any ethical elements or allowance for trust, but that going forward, that will no longer be acceptable.
Arky Ciancutti joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how differently he would write his landmark book, Built on Trust, if he were writing it today, in the digital age.
Scott Aurnou joins Jim Blasingame to report on an Internet exposure where a cyber-criminal uses your online device and electricity as a zombie unit to mine crypto-currency.
Scott Aurnou joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how “deep fakes” technology gives people the ability to manipulate facial images to create false reproductions for destructive purposes.
John Dini joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the essence of Jim’s new book with regard to the expansion of digital leverage with an as-yet undeveloped method of installing ethical components in that leverage.
Sean Worthington joins Jim Blasingame to report that one of the reasons blockchain may become just one of many trust-delivering technologies is because of the high usage of electricity, and therefore the transaction cost.
Browse by category
3rd Ingredient® (453)
Banking, Investors, Capital (1523)
Business Planning (1146)
Communicating (1504)
Coronavirus (891)
Customer Care (1373)
Economy: Nation, Global (3834)
Entrepreneurship (3718)
Financial Planning (855)
Franchising, Licensing (272)
Government, Politics (6236)
Home-Based, Teleworking (555)
Immigration (163)
Innovation, Creativity (1463)
Intellectual Property (252)
Journalists (701)
Leadership, Ethics, Trust (5235)
Legal (943)
Management Fundamentals (5514)
Miscellaneous (220)
Negotiating (270)
Networking (631)
Publishing (205)
Sales, Sales Management (2127)
Start Up (904)
The Age of the Customer® (884)
Training, e-Learning (387)
Work-Life, Balance (2165)