Category: 3rd Ingredient®
Sean Worthington joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the shortcomings of blockchain technology, including the very slow speed and other issues.
Sean Worthington joins Jim Blasingame to continue our reporting on how blockchain works, and why it will likely be only one of many technologies to become trust-delivering resources.
John Horvat II joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that natural law is critical to analog humans, and whether our adoption of digital leverage can include ethical elements that humans require.
Jim Blasingame reveals the challenge we face transitioning from the Analog Age to the Digital Age, and at least one early leadership success indicators.
Mike Daniels joins Jim Blasingame to share his ideas on what it will take for America in particular to make the adjustments necessary to be successful and secure in a world dominated by increasingly sophisticated applications of digital leverage.
Mike Daniels joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the implications and impact of the digitization of every part of our world, and why the U.S. must develop a digital strategy so we don’t get left behind.
Mike Daniels joins Jim Blasingame to provide a report on why the world is changing in unprecedented ways, and what we have to do to deal with the digitization of the globe.
Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why it will take devotion to a digital technology, like blockchain, by analog humans to accomplish digital ethics that can be trusted.
Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to discuss that the reasons humans are so anxious about technology today is because we haven’t figured out how to establish digital ethics.
Kita Szpak joins Jim Blasingame to suggest one way to reset your business is by using ‘old-school’ techniques like sending handwritten letters to, and having face-to-face meetings with, your customers.
Browse by category
3rd Ingredient® (453)
Banking, Investors, Capital (1523)
Business Planning (1146)
Communicating (1504)
Coronavirus (891)
Customer Care (1373)
Economy: Nation, Global (3834)
Entrepreneurship (3718)
Financial Planning (855)
Franchising, Licensing (272)
Government, Politics (6236)
Home-Based, Teleworking (555)
Immigration (163)
Innovation, Creativity (1463)
Intellectual Property (252)
Journalists (701)
Leadership, Ethics, Trust (5235)
Legal (943)
Management Fundamentals (5514)
Miscellaneous (220)
Negotiating (270)
Networking (631)
Publishing (205)
Sales, Sales Management (2127)
Start Up (904)
The Age of the Customer® (884)
Training, e-Learning (387)
Work-Life, Balance (2165)