Category: Banking, Investors, Capital
Continuing his quest to help small business owners speak the language of banks, and banks to speak the language of small business, Jim takes this opportunity to discuss what small business owners need to know about one of the most often used methods of evaluating a bank loan request, the Six Cs of Credit.
In his first visit with Jim, George talks about the relationship between banks and small businesses in the 21st century, and how Zions Bank has structuring itself to respond to the modern requirements of their small business customers.
Mike joins Jim on his first visit to the show and talks about how banks are expanding services so they are more valuable and helpful to their customers, and how that provides an opportunity for his company. Mike and Jim use the Clarke American model to identify how small businesses should look at their customer relationships.
Nino joins Jim for the first time to talk about what bankers are doing to recruit new customers and keep existing customers coming back. They go on to talk about how Clarke American has been successful in responding to significant changes in their industry.
Jim and Mike discuss how small businesses and banks are going to get together regarding intellectual properties and intangible assets.
Jim and Gary take a spiritual look at interest rates and the 2004 presidential election.
Bob joins Jim to give a Mid-cycle FED report and talk about the growth of the GDP.
Two of the top bankers in the Brain Trust, Richard and Michael, join Jim for the Fed Watch show when they talk about the national economy.
Jim and Gary talk about the world events that might affect investing and whether or not it is a good idea to invest in the stock market right now.
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