Category: Entrepreneurship
Do you know how to manage a virtual team? Rick Lepsinger joins Jim Blasingame to explain how a virtual team works when its properly managed, plus what it looks like when it doesn't work.
More and more, the execution of your business model will include some virtual team members. Rick Lepsinger joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the definition, evolution, and current state of the virtual team.
Have you ever thrown a party for your customers? Jane Pollak joins Jim Blasingame to report on the customer appreciation party she is planning and why every small business should do it.
Are you using webinars in your small business? Jane Pollak joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the handy webinar, why you should do them, use them and leverage them.
Has your state adopted the Private Attorney Retention Sunshine Act (PARSA)? Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how PARSA reforms state contracts with independent law firms, creating a more business-friendly environment.
Employers avoid states known for cozy relationships between the attorney general and law firms. Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how a state’s out-of-control litigation climate affects small businesses from insurance costs to loss of business opportunity.
When trial lawyers find a new cash cow in state-sponsored litigation small business loses. Jim Copland joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the questionable practice of state attorneys general hiring litigation firms to do the state's work on a contingency basis.
Half of all sales are influenced by some aspect of the Internet. Aaron Shapiro joins Jim Blasingame to explain why your next generation of customers are coming from a community of online users.
You can have a vision and take risks without being fool-hardy. Kelle Olwyler joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the difference between begin risk averse and being responsible with risk taking.
Miliary reserves and national guard make a commitment to the U.S., too. Jim Mingey joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the definition of a veteran and why reserves and national guard should be included as veterans.
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3rd Ingredient® (453)
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