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Category: Entrepreneurship

Rick Maurer
One of the most powerful business skills is just knowing when to shut up. Rick Maurer and Jim Blasingame talk about how to do this, when to do this and offer several scenarios of how shutting up can make a difference.
Burton Folsom
Reflecting on the legacy of Christopher Columbus, Burt Folsom joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the impact of this legendary business and exploratory venture.
Beverly Inman-Ebel
What are you thankful for in your small business in 2009? Beverly Inman-Ebel joins Jim Blasingame to talk about what she calls "Thankful Thirteenth," where her organization is collecting all the things that aren't so bad about the recession, including tips on how to make things better.
Rod Kurtz
Discovering America's Coolest Young Entrepreneurs, Rod Kurtz is back to talk to Jim Blasingame about Inc's latest list of "30 entrepreneurs Under 30", and what all small business owners can learn from them.
Todd Parent
What does it take to be a successful restaurant owner? What does it take to be a successful franchisor? Listen to Todd Parent as he joins Jim Blasingame to talk about what went into founding and growing Extremem Pizza. This is a clinic on how to give yourself the maximum opportunity to be successful.
Jim Blasingame
Since 1998, Jim Blasingame has been predicting that the 21st is the century of the entrepreneur and he talks about some of the reasons for this position, including technology, market shifts, social media, and of course, the pathological optimism of small business owners.
Jim Blasingame
How is starting a business different today from the last recession? Jim Blasingame offers some insight into some of the issues that start-ups are facing these days, including where to look for opportunity, finding capital and the need for being patient and deliberate in your expectations.
Jeff Zbar
As you think about starting a business, look for niches to fill. Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to talk about focusing more on niches as a way to discover new market opportunities, instead of trying to be innovative.
Mary Cantando
How is women leadership different? Mary Cantando talks to Jim Blasingame about her work with women and what they need to grow their businesses. She also says leadership demonstrated by women is different from that by men.
Don Wilson
Tee Rowe
Changing of the guard at the ASBDC is in place. Don Wilson's fine leadership of the Association of Small Business Development Centers is being handed to his replacement, Charles "Tee" Rowe, and they join Jim Blasingame to talk about where the organization is and where it's going.

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