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Category: Entrepreneurship

Liz Lynch
Small business owners should become cavemen during a recession. Networking expert Liz Lynch joins Jim Blasingame to talk about overcoming your reluctance to network and offers a number of networking tips.
Chester Elton
Sometimes recognition includes recognizing that employees have concerns. Chester Elton joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to make sure your small business recognizes performance as well as those concerns.
Gary Harpst
How will small business leadership have a positive impact on economic recovery? Gary Harpst and Jim Blasingame discuss this issue, plus the challenges of sustaining growth.
Suzanne Mulvehill
How much more emotional endurance do small business owners need today? Suzanne Mulvehill talks with Jim Blasingame about the emotional side of success during a challenging economy.
Paul Casey
What are the most important survival practices a small business should focus on. Paul Casey and Jim Blasingame talk about the top 10 best practices, as recommended by small business owners.
Chip Bell
John Patterson
Value-added service is now expected. The next level is imaginative service, which is going to be the key to success for small business. John Patterson and Chip Bell join Jim Blasingame to explain how to perform imaginative services and grow loyal customers.
Peter Johnston
How do small businesses negotiate with big businesses during a recession? Peter Johnston joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to make the best deal whether your buying or selling.
Dave Morse
Small businesses have limitations that are solved by strategic alliances. Dave Morse joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how his company leveraged their business model with strategic alliances.
Norm Brodsky
What can small business owners learn from the failure of others? Norm Brodsky talks with Jim Blasingame about some of his failures, what he learned and the benefits that resulted from them.
Jim Blasingame
What will it take for your small business to survive the current economic crisis? Jim Blasingame talks about the Small Business Survival Attitude and the fundamentals that the Attitude are made up of.

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