Category: Government, Politics
When state laws interfere with Internet performance it creates problems across cyberspace. Steve DelBianco talks with Jim Blasingame about some of the ill-advised state laws that should only be addressed at the federal level.
Does the public outcry over the health care reform debate demonstrate that American voters are taking back the political debate process? Jim Blasingame thinks it is and he talks about why America is the better for it.
Clearly ethical lapses have created a dangerous condition in our world and Len Marrella talks with Jim Blasingame about the conditions and how we can regain and reinstall ethical behavior in the marketplace and in government. Jim reminds Len that small business owners are excellent ethical models to follow.
What is the likelihood of climate change, carbon limiting legislation in the current Congress? Joan Pryde joins Jim Blasingame to report on what Kiplinger has to say about this topic, plus Jim's thoughts on how a carbon tax will hurt the economy.
What is a Libertarian and what does this political philosophy stand for? Wayne Allyn Root talks with Jim Blasingame about the Libertarian philosophy of business and government and why he thinks America would be better off with more Libertarian representation in government.
What is at stake for small businesses in the current health care reform proposals? Karen Kerrigan talks with Jim Blasingame about the dangers of the current proposals for small businesses and the ideas that should be on the table to accomplish reform.
General economic conditions, Swine flu precautions and tax proposals are some of the issues discussed by Kiplinger Senior Editor, Joan Pryde, and Jim Blasingame.
What is the marketplace mood of small business owners? Bill Dunkelberg joins Jim Blasingame to report on his NFIB Survey of Small Business Economic Conditions, which this month are mostly pointing downward.
What is the future role of the Fed? Has the Fed been given too much power? How is the economy doing? Bob McTeer joins Jim Blasingame to talk about these issues and answer these questions.
Jim Blasingame talks about his thoughts on why the current health care reform debate should result in no legislation at all, because it current includes primarily government solutions with virtually no alternatives for market-based solutions, such as portability and the ability to buy heath insurance across state lines.
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