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Category: Government, Politics

Giovanni Coratolo
What are the key small business public policy issues being debated today? Giovanni Coratolo joins Jim Blasingame to discuss taxes, healthcare, the union bill, cap and trade and other legislation that will oppress small business.
Julia Seymour
Are the media covering the current issues professionally or not? Julia Seymour joins Jim Blasingame to reveal where the media falls down, including giving President Obama softball questions, overplaying the swine flu issue and other isses.
Joan Pryde
From housing, to banking, to bankruptsies for the Big Three, Joan Pryde and Jim Blasingame discuss these issues and others that are impacting our small businesses.
Jim Blasingame
How should small businesses feel about global warming, or climate change, or whatever it's being called these days? Jim Blasingame talks about some of the issues that will directly impact your small business if the enviro-zealots are able to push their never-mind-the-economy agenda through Congress and into law.
Georgette Mosbacher
How important is small business to economic recovery? Small business owner, Georgette Mosbacher joins Jim Blasingame to explain why small business is the critical driver of economic growth and what she things the government should be doing to help.
Dennis Dimick
What should businesses know about the holistic energy plan, including production, consumption and waste on this Earth Day? Dennis Dimick joins Jim Blasingame to debate the merits of such an approach without making the American economy uncompetitive globally.
Ray Keating
Which states rank best and worst, based on their tax burden on businesses? Ray Keating joins Jim Blasingame to discuss this year's Business Tax Index, which he compiles each year. They also discuss the negative impact of the carbon tax legislation currently being proposed.
Howard Ruff
Is there evidence that America is becoming a socialistic state?Howard Ruff joins Jim Blasingame to explain why he thinks America is becoming more socialist with the recent government policies, especially under the current administration.
Pete Sepp
Every penny of income earned by American's prior to April 13, 2009 goes to pay only taxes. Unfortunately, citizens of some states, like California and Connecticut, have to work longer, because of their state tax burden. Pete Sepp joins Jim Blasingame to report on this milestone and whether things are getting better or worse. Hint: the news is not good.
Joan Pryde
The most pressing public policy issue today is health care reform and Joan Pryde joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the details and the likelihood reform will happen in 2009. Of course, Jim offers his take on the real agenda behind healthcare reform. Plus they discuss other issues, such as angel investors, the mortgage industry, etc.

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