Category: Human Resources, Healthcare, Benefits
Why are there over 4 million unfilled jobs in the face of high unemployment? Rick Newman joins Jim Blasingame to report on why this economy is burdened with a sustained jobless and slow recovery, even though 4.5 millions jobs go unfilled.
What's really behind the micro-union movement? Diana Furchtgott-Roth joins Jim Blasingame on Labor Day to warn of the dangers of the micro-union organizing movement.
what does the modern labor movement look like? IDiana Furchtgott-Roth joins Jim Blasingame to report on the current labor movement and its national holiday, Labor Day.
What does Labor Day look like today? Ken Davis joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the history of Labor Day, including how it has changed in the 20th and 21st century.
When did Labor Day begin? Ken Davis joins Jim Blasingame to report on the history of Labor Day, who started it, why it began and how it came to be a national holiday.
The Supreme Court's Defense of Marriage Act ruling created tax scenarios. tEva Rosenberg joins Jim Blasingame to report on the various tax and benefits issues facing the parties and their employees.
Leigh Branham joins Jim Blasingame to explain that business owners tend to hire the opposite of the person that didn't work out, but should instead stick to list of traits and competencies.
Leigh Branham joins Jim Blasingame to explain that employee referrals are the best method for hiring that results in long term retention and that most people find jobs through information connections, plus why it's risky for an employee to refer someone to job.
Leigh Branham joins Jim Blasingame to explain that you should never underestimate the value of any job and that you should give equal consideration to each position in your company when hiring new employees.
Are U.S. college graduates ready for the workplace? Burt Folsom joins Jim Blasingame to report on why many American college graduates aren't prepared to join the workforce without remedial training by their employers.
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