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Category: Innovation, Creativity

Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how water purification experts are using CO2 and the property and behavior of water molecules to separate impurities.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on how graphene is being added to strengthen concrete, while Sweden is testing electric highways, and the implications of putting those two together.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how our natural elements are evolving into new versions that are actually 2D, meaning functional at the atomic level, like turning 3S gallium into 2D gallenene.
Kita Szpak
Kita Szpak joins Jim Blasingame to suggest one way to reset your business is by using ‘old-school’ techniques like sending handwritten letters to, and having face-to-face meetings with, your customers.
David Drake
David Drake joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the two waves of blockchain-type technology, first as a new way to do business, and then, ultimately, as a total disruption of our world.
David Drake
David Drake joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the future of Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies, as money, as an asset class, etc., as well as blockchain-type technology, that stores and delivers it.
David Drake
David Drake joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what crypto-currency, how it’s different from e-money, and its future.
Hilarie Gamm joins Jim Blasingame to discuss their belief that the next jump in technological capability will be achieved by a small group of companies and countries, and it result in a quantum advantage.
Bruce Piasecki
Bruce Piasecki joins Jim Blasingame to report on the growth of alternative energy, combined with hydro-fracking has created a new carbon paradigm for being energy competitive.
Bruce Piasecki
Bruce Piasecki joins Jim Blasingame to report on the growth of alternative energy, combined with hydro-fracking, has contributed to energy independence and influenced geopolitics.

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