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Category: Innovation, Creativity

Tamar Jacoby
Tamar Jacoby joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the fact that the two parties in Washington seem to rather treat immigration as a political football to score points instead of accomplishing real reform.
Bill Diffenderffer
Bill Diffenderffer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how his sci-fi novel explores the ability for humans to create more technology than we have the capacity to control and manage.
Tom Asacker
Tom Asacker joins Jim Blasingame to reveal new research that shows us how we excel and how we hold ourselves back based on what we believe about ourselves.
Tom Asacker
Tom Asacker joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how the same person capable of accomplishing so much, also holds the capacity to hold us back, and how to focus on the right side of us.
Kathy Perry
Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to report on some of the challenges Twitter is having as well as what the company is doing to change in order to maintain their relevance.
Robert Grede
Robert Grede joins Jim Blasingame to reveal three ways to think about expanding and focusing your product offerings.
Robert Grede
Robert Grede joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the concept of a product and why every business must be in the constant motion of upgrading and replacing existing customer offerings.
Robert Brands
Robert Brands joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how leadership has to engage and motivate the people in an organization to successfully implement innovation.
Robert Brands
Robert Brands joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the non-negotiable role and practices of leadership when your organization is implementing innovation.
Robert Brands
Robert Brands joins Jim Blasingame to reveal Robert’s Rules of innovation and how to create an environment where your innovations are implemented.

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