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Category: Journalists

Don Lambro
Don joins Jim to talk about President Bush's new plan for Iraq and the 110th Congresses new plan for America, and what that will mean for small business.
Robert Levin
Does your profit picture stink? Well, Robert talks with Jim about three ways to make sure your profits not only smell good, but also abound.
Joan Pryde
Joan and Jim begin their interview talking about President Bush's new Iraq agenda. They move on to discuss the Kiplinger and Blasingame economic forecasts for 2007, new postal increases, health care, minimum wage and what Congress will attempt to do this month.
Joan Pryde
Joan and Jim talk about some of the issues that Kiplinger -- and Jim -- have to say about what's likely to happen in 2007 in a number of areas. They also cover some of the brand new demographic research that Kiplinger has recently published, which is important to know as we plan our marketing strategies for the new year.
Rich Galen
Recently there were three famous deaths: A godfather (James Brown), and two presidents, one good (Gerald Ford) and one evil (Saddam Hussein). Rich joins Jim to talk about the lives and influence of all three.
Joan Pryde
Joan joins Jim to report on the most recent Kiplinger Letter, including discussions about the U.S. military readiness, the U.S. automobile industry, the Fed's new inflation standard, and other items of current interest.
Rich Galen
A visit with one of our top political operatives, Rich talks with Jim about some of the key issues of the day, including the new Democrat controlled Congress.
Joan Pryde
Joan and Jim talk about adjusted outlook for the 2007 economy, the labor market, prospects for housing, minimum wage, President Bush's domestic agenda, and some tips for small businesses.
Joan Pryde
Joan and Jim begin their visit discussing some of the key issues of the Iraq Study Group report, which drags some hard truth about the future in Iraq into the sunlight. They move on to talk about the insurance industry, some of the key economic indicators that are being projected for 2007, and some news about venture capital.
Don Lambro
Elections matter. Don joins Jim to talk about how the Democrats control of Congress is already having an impact. They also talk about the likely Democrat presidential candidates for 2008.

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