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Category: Journalists

Joan Pryde
Joan and Jim talk about the political environment for incumbents in the upcoming fall mid-term elections. They also talk about new terrorism laws being proposed, the impact of Sarbanes-Oxley on small businesses, the future of renting software over the Internet, and the general condition of the economy.
Don Lambro
Don and Jim talk about world politics first, including the struggle between Israel and Hezbollah, and the challenges the world faces with Iran. They go on to talk about U.S. politics and what Don thinks will happen in the fall elections.
Randy joins Jim to talk about the recent "living wage" debate currently in Chicago and other cities, and how it is impacting corporate planning decisions.
Joan Pryde
Joan and Jim begin their visit talking about the recent terrorist plot to blow up airlines. They move on to talk about economic conditions around the globe and how they will affect the U.S. economy. Next they discuss the Fed and interest rates, followed by what's happening in the auto industry. They wrap up by talking about the new FICA wage base, the future of labor unions, the dropping prices on computers and the future of Cuba.
Rich Galen
Rich and Jim talk about whether the Democrat primary in Connecticut is a bellwether for how the national Democrat Party will go. They go on to talk about what's happening in the Middle East, including how to deal with Iran.
Joan Pryde
Joan joins Jim to talk about the issue of cyber-security and its impact on e-business. They go on to talk about the economy, global trade talks, pension reforms, and the possibilities of a minimum wage increase.
Joan Pryde
Joan talks with Jim about the challenges of the war between Israel and Hezbollah, where it's likely to go, and the impact on the region and the U.S. marketplace. They go on to talk about the economy and whether a recession is possible later this year. Next they discuss immigration, increasing insurance costs and finally, President Bush's first veto ever.
Joan Pryde
Joan and Jim begin their visit talking about working with venture capitalists, including their general investing goals plus the kinds of deals they're currently looking for. They move on to talk about the economy, President Bush's first veto, the future of the estate tax, sponsoring stock cars and the high cost of air travel.
Rich Galen
Rich and Jim talk about the current situation in the Near East and what Rich thinks is likely to happen. They also talk about the influence of American forces in Iraq on these events, plus what impact all of this will have on the mid-term elections.
Joan Pryde
Joan and Jim begin their visit talking about the jobs creation picture for the economy over the next 12 months. They move on to talk about some of the issues facing the world regarding middle east tensions. Next they talk about small business health plans, the potential global consolidation of the auto industry, and finally some important small business issues, including the new SBA Administrator, Steven Preston.

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