Category: Leadership, Ethics, Trust
Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to explain why a true “repeal and replace” bill won’t be possible all at once, but how it can be done over time through the reconciliation process.
Grace-Marie Turner joins Jim Blasingame to defend the GOP health care proposals that will replace the train wreck known as Obamacare, while warning that if they can’t agree on one proposal, they’re in for a political disaster.
AmyK Hutchens joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how leaders are always in one of the four stages of change, which includes death and reverse, dreaming and scheming, the hero saga, and the promise land.
AmyK Hutchens joins Jim Blasingame to discuss surviving change by realizing you cannot do it all, and the need for having a practical approach using a team or collaborative effort.
Wally Bock joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the most important tips on how to be a successful boss from Wally’s new e-book on the topic.
Wally Bock joins Jim Blasingame to share ideas on being a boss from Wally’s new book with 301 tips and best practices on how to do that.
Tim Irwin joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how as a small business CEO you need to understand the "Why, When, Where, and How" of change in your small business.
Tim Irwin joins Jim Blasingame to offer some advice on how President Trump can lead change more effectively by improving his communication skills and practices.
Pamela Harper joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to include values in the new employee specifications as you find, hire and onboard new employees.
Pamela Harper joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the concept of corporate values, how to identify them and how to preserve them during a growth period.
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