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Category: Leadership, Ethics, Trust

Michael Reagan
Did Chief Justice Roberts cave to bullying by Obama? Michael Reagan joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the bizarre Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare, why it happened and what dangerous precedent it sets.
Michael Reagan
Michael Reagan reflects on his father. Michael Reagan joins Jim Blasingame to talk about what made his father one of America's great presidents.
Burton Folsom
How effective is it for a president to blame his predecessor? Burt Folsom joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how effectively past presidents have been able to blame his predecessor on current problems.
Stephanie Vance
Is there such a thing as ethical lobbying? Stephanie Vance joins Jim Blasingame to report on her work helping organizations learn how to effectively and ethically lobby politicians.
Ned Ryun
What has to be done in order to reclaim America from Washington and Wall Street. Ned Ryun joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the training of people to run for office and influence politicians based on the will of the people, not the political class.
Ned Ryun
Can Main Street really take back America from Washington's political class? Ned Ryun joins Jim Blasingame to report on how his and other organizations are helping Main Street citizens reform our government and take back America.
Bob Dilenschneider
The best way to deal with a public relations challenge is by demonstrating leadership. Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to explain that owning up, taking responsibility and demonstrating leadership is the key to recovering from a negative PR event.
Bob Dilenschneider
What small business can learn from big business PR mistakes. Bob Dilenschneider joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what small business owners can learn from the PR blunders of Jamie Dimon and Barack Obama.
Zoltan Acs
Entrepreneurship and philanthropy were invented by Americans. Zoltan Acs joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the history of philanthropy as a product of American entrepreneurship.
Zoltan Acs
Is there a connection between entrepreneurship and philanthropy? Zoltan Acs joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how philanthropy was spawned from the millions of success stories of American entrepreneurship.

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