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Category: Legal

Terry Neese
Terry Neese joins Jim Blasingame to report on the 29 women entrepreneurs from Rwanda and Afghanistan who will be graduating from the IEEW Peace Through Business program.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals the existence of a regulatory Deep State that spans multiple administrations with it’s “regulatory dark matter” and influences business with policy setting “guidance” that is little more than a blog post.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame discusses President Trump’s choice of Brett Kavanaugh as a nominee for the Supreme Court, and why he will be a good choice for those who believe the Constitution should be followed.
Wayne Crews
Wayne Crews joins Jim Blasingame to look back on 25 years of studying the regulatory state of the U.S. government, and to say that the overall trajectory is in the right direction.
Wayne Crews
Wayne Crews joins Jim Blasingame to compare the difference in the regulatory approach of the Obama and Trump administrations, and the bureaucratic Deep State that is never elected.
Wayne Crews
Wayne Crews joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Justice, and why he’ll be reliable in reigning in the regulatory deep state.
Caleb Barlow
Caleb Barlow joins Jim Blasingame to reveal several tips and best practices that a small business can take to protect their digital assets from cyber-criminals, including beefing up the password strategy.
Chris Moschovitis
Chris Moschovitis joins Jim Blasingame to report that cyber-crime cost exceeds $2 trillion, a significant increase because of the new level of sophistication of the bad guys.
Bob Kustka
Bob Kustka joins Jim Blasingame to offer advice on how to minimize sexual harassment cases and how to react and be proactive so your business doesn’t become a co-defendant.
Ray Keating
Ray Keating joins Jim Blasingame to report on the ruling by the majority of the Supreme Court in the Janus v AFSCME case, which essentially made all government workplaces a right-to-work state.

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