Category: Management Fundamentals
Trish Ruben talks with Jim Blasingame about how to operate your small business, make sure you're properly positioned in your industry and your marketplace.
Being creative, adding value and reaching out to customers to find out how you can help them is the best alternative to lowering prices in a challenging economy. Josh Costell talks with Jim Blasingame, small business expert and host of The Small Business Advocate Show
What will an Obama administration mean for trade and the cost of energy? Jim Blasingame talks about his thoughts on what small businesses can expect from President Obama on these issues.
How are the economic arrows pointing for small business. Sam Norwood reports on the Tatum Survey of current economic conditions, with Jim Blasingame.
What fundamentals should small business owners be focusing on in the coming months of this ecomomic downturn? Jay Myers talks with Jim Blasingame about some of the key management fundamentals his organization is stressing that have been successful for them.
Steri Stolp talks with Jim Blasingame about the potential for small businesses be in danger of becoming unionized if the erroniously named Employee Free Choice Act becomes law. They discuss the three key elements of EFCA, also called the "Card Check bill," including why this bill is anything but free choice.
Maria Coyne talks with Jim Blasingame about several of the most important fundamentals that any small business should focus on, especially during a challenging economy, including maintaining a close relationship with your banker.
Debbe Kennedy talks with Jim Blasingame about how small business owners can keep their heads up and eyes open so they can be ready when opportunity presents itself, including three key points to help them.
Do you have a plan for backing up the data on your computer harddrive that is so important to the success of your small business? Richard D'Ambrise talks with Jim Blasingame about how to develop a back-up strategy, including the right kind of media for the job.
How does a home-based business owner stay motivated during a challenging economy? Jeff Zbar talks with Jim Blasingame about some of the things to do, physically and mentally, to make sure you don't turn into a caveman (or cave woman).
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