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Category: Online Technologies, e-Business, Cybersecurity

Dan Poynter
The future of e-books. Dan Poynter joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the new ways that digital technology is changing the way we write, publish and distribute books.
Stijn Hendrikse
Are you ready for ERP accounting in the cloud? Stijn Hendrikse joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how companies can find efficiency and versatility by integrating their financial and management systems in the cloud.
Stijn Hendrikse
Cloud computing has come a long way. Stijn Hendrikse joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the history of cloud computing and the advantages of it over an installed software strategy.
Steve DelBianco
Should all online sales be subject to sales tax? Steve DelBianco joins Jim Blasingame to talk about increased efforts to require sales tax be remitted to local authorities for all online sales, and the challenges this creates for small business.
Steve DelBianco
Hundreds of new top-line Internet domains. Steve DelBianco joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the hundreds of new top-line domain names that are available, who is going after them and how much it costs to get one.
Brett Clay, Ph.D
Stay relevant with customers by delivering information to them. Brett Clay joins Jim Blasingame with tips on how small businesses stay relevant to customers by creating and delivering online content, including your own and that of others.
Brett Clay, Ph.D
In today’s marketplace, you don’t find customers, they find you. Brett Clay joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how the Internet has changed customer expectations and how to serve them with content we distribute to them.
Cliff Ennico
What can old media teach us about new media models? Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to talk about fee vs free business models for online content and what new media can learn from television and newspapers.
Cliff Ennico
What is the best business model for offering online content? Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to talk about two different ways to monetize online content, free or fee, and how to decide which is best for you.
Tom Anastasi
How is the concept of competitive advantage changing? Tom Anastasi joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how many new forces are shifting the definition of competitive advantage from things like price to customer relevance.

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