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Category: Online Technologies, e-Business, Cybersecurity

Jeff Zbar
Could you become a pawn in a major Internet collapse? Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to explain how regular folks and small businesses can become the unwilling accomplices of online terrorists.
Ramon Ray
Every small business has to publish. Ramon Ray joins Jim Blasingame to report why and how small businesses should create and publish information online to maintain current customers and acquire new ones.
Jeff Zbar
Will you be the first to upgrade to an Apple iPhone 5? Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to review new features of the Apple iPhone 5, including smaller form factor, longer battery life, and which carriers have it.
Jeff Zbar
The Apple iPhone 5 is coming. Are you ready? Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to report on the release of the new 5 series of the Apple iPhone, including price and some of the new elements.
Philippa Gamse
The fundamentals of web search is changing, and maybe not for the better. Philippa Gamse joins Jim Blasingame to report on changes Google is making to search, including contextual results that you may or may not like.
Tom Anastasi
What is the new face of competitive advantage? Tom Anastasi joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the new elements of competitive advantage, including how being relevant is trumping being competitive.
Mary Cantando
What should your website say and how quickly should it say it? Mary Cantando joins Jim Blasingame to talk about some of the key elements every website should deliver, including what you sell very prominently and quickly.
Kathy Perry
Watch for malware on your Facebook site. Kathy Perry joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to watch for and identify malicious postings on your Facebook page that could create a lot of problems.
Curt Finch
Do you really know your costs? Curt Finch joins Jim Blasingame to explain how technology can help small businesses accurately track the time required to create and deliver projects to become more competitive and profitable.
Anita Rosen
Are you where your customers are? Anita Rosen joins Jim Blasingame to continue talking about building communities, no matter the platform, whether Facebook, email, etc.

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