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Category: Online Technologies, e-Business, Cybersecurity

Dawn Fotopulos
Dawn Fotopulos joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that the key to survival through the end of the pandemic and beyond is to know your customers’ online expectations, even if you don’t offer an e-commerce component.
Tony Uphoff
Tony Uphoff joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the things to work on that raise your level of professionalism when working on online video platforms, including your background and your sound equipment.
Tony Uphoff
Tony Uphoff joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the power of data analytics and why becoming literate and proficient at it in your business is no longer an option.
Terry Jones
Terry Jones joins Jim Blasingame to report on the fact that small businesses were already being disrupted by technology transformation before the pandemic, and what you have to do to avoid becoming irrelevant.
Terry Jones
Terry Jones joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how he became the founder of Travelocity as an American Airlines executive, by splitting off a corporate division so it could become more entrepreneurial.
Christina Cavanagh
Christina Cavanagh joins Jim Blasingame to share her thoughts on how to improve how you look and sound on an online video meeting, plus how to get more out of your email prospecting.
Christina Cavanagh
Christina Cavanagh joins Jim Blasingame to recommend several ways to upgrade how you present yourself on online video meetings, like Zoom, etc., including how you dress, behave, and location of camera.
Anna Murray
Anna Murray joins Jim Blasingame to report on how small business relationships with big customers can be compromised by a remote worker’s un-secure connection off the company network.
Anna Murray
Anna Murray joins Jim Blasingame to report on how the pandemic has accelerated change in remote work, medicine and education, plus the weak links in the U.S. broadband service to households located at or near the last mile.
Kristin  Zhivago
Kristin Zhivago joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the power of letting your customers provide your marketing message, including what you know about their experience with your business and products.

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