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Category: Online Technologies, e-Business, Cybersecurity

Chris Moschovitis
Chris Moschovitis joins Jim Blasingame to report on the incontrovertible facts that Russia, China and Iran are interfering in the U.S. election process in cyber-space, not to pick a winner, but to disrupt the successful American system and our society.
Tom Anastasi
Tom Anastasi joins Jim Blasingame to report on how Boston U will be reopening for the courses he teaches, including a combination of in-person and remote.
Marc Gorlin
Marc Gorlin joins Jim Blasingame to report on his company, Roadie, a crowdsourced delivery service, how it works, and why it’s a great resource available to small businesses to compete against Amazon.
Vicky Oliver
Vicky Oliver joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the key methods and disciplines of managing a remote team, including the technology, the discipline and the personalities.
Vicky Oliver
Vicky Oliver joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the evolving discipline of managing remote teams, post-pandemic, including getting the work done and dealing with the humans involved.
Caleb Barlow
Caleb Barlow joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the order of magnitude of the recent Twitter breach, how it could have been worse, and what could happen in the future if the cyber-criminals were motivated more by geo-politics than money.
Caleb Barlow
Caleb Barlow joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the increased success of cyber-criminals to breach individual, corporate and institutional networks using COVID related assaults, and how to step up your game to avoid being a victim.
Caleb Barlow
Caleb Barlow joins Jim Blasingame to explain the extra degree of difficulty for businesses to secure their online activity, data and indeed survival when employees are not within a defined and secure environment, including the use of VPN.
Ed Marsh
Ed Marsh joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that Intent Data is a way to apply artificial intelligence to the online activity of suspects, prospects and customers to determine if their behavior indicates a purchase soon of what you sell.
Ruth Sherman
Ruth Sherman joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the extra level of stress involved in doing business over online video technology, plus how to prepare and deliver a presentation or speech using this method.

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