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Category: Online Technologies, e-Business, Cybersecurity

Noel Hayden
Noel Hayden joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the relevance imperative of having a mobile website and why Google discriminates against those who don’t.
Noel Hayden
Noel Hayden joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the transition that’s been made in the past few years to having your website ready for all users, especially those who use mobile search.
Terrence DeFranco
Terrence DeFranco joins Jim Blasingame to report that some applications of Internet of Things technology operate on a different spectrum than the Wifi or mobile networks that the rest of the Internet operates on.
Terrence DeFranco
Terrence DeFranco joins Jim Blasingame to report on how his company used Internet of Things technology to help commercial property owners save money on utilities and other operational expenses.
Terrence DeFranco
Terrence DeFranco joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the impact that IOT things are having – and increasingly will have – on our daily work and lives.
Barbara Weltman
Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss protecting your data and online network from cyber-criminals, and why it’s critical to survival, especially when you do business with customers online.
Chris Moschovitis
Chris Moschovitis joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that regular citizens can contribute to protecting our country from cyber-attacks by getting our own houses in order, and putting pressure on politicians to invest in cyber-security systems.
Chris Moschovitis
Chris Moschovitis joins Jim Blasingame to report that the U.S. electric grid is attacked every day, and that we need to do more to prevent the one that could shut down the country.
Chris Moschovitis
Chris Moschovitis joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how some counties are doing cyber-threat training to make sure they’re ready for possible attacks during the 2020 election.
Rick Mathieson
Rick Mathieson joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to use Dmarc and Bimi digital tools to help you avoid email brand impersonators and simultaneously improve your own digital marketing credentials.

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