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Category: Online Technologies, e-Business, Cybersecurity

Rob  Wilson
Rob Wilson joins Jim Blasingame to report on the artificial intelligence innovations that are going to increasingly empower small businesses to be more effective finding and hiring new employees.
Ray Keating
Ray Keating joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the reasons why becoming a small business owner today is more and also less challenging today than in the past.
John Shier
John Shier joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the increasing expectation by larger customers that smaller vendors bear more cyber-security responsibility as part of the greater supply chain.
John Shier
John Shier joins Jim Blasingame to report on a number of examples of where companies and municipalities fell victim to ransomware breaches that resulted in potentially existential chaos and expense.
John Shier
John Shier joins Jim Blasingame to discuss examples of how an unlikely vendor became the weak link connection that contributed to a major cyber-breach.
Diane DiResta
Diane DiResta joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the concept of podcasting and to prepare you for being a guest on one, to help promote your expertise and, therefore, your business.
Dan Pilla
Dan Pilla joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that when you trade currency – crypto or otherwise – and make money, that becomes a taxable event and the IRS will come after you.
Ross Kimbarovsky
Ross Kimbarovsky joins Jim Blasingame to outline the steps to take when designing, registering and deploying your professional business website.
Ross Kimbarovsky
Ross Kimbarovsky joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the first steps of creating a professionally created website, that properly projects your brand image online.
Anna Murray
Anna Murray joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the issue of women in the tech industry, and why it’s important to make this sector more gender diverse, including three factors to pursue.

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