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Category: Online Technologies, e-Business, Cybersecurity

Arran  Stewart
Arran Stewart joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how his company uses blockchain to put worker and employer together in a digital platform that serves modern workplace requirements.
Scott Aurnou
Scott Aurnou joins Jim Blasingame to report on the recent Supreme Court decision to side with plaintiffs on whether Apple charged too much for app availability, and if that decision will weaken Apple’s brand image of high security.
Scott Aurnou
Scott Aurnou joins Jim Blasingame to report that thanks to a Verizon report, small businesses now know they’re being heavily targeted by cyber-criminals for activity that gets them quick cash.
Joe Tankersley
Joe Tankersley joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how small businesses will have to focus on combining digital capability with the “high touch special sauce" analog humans will continue to require, even in the Digital Age.
Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to report on an increase in incidence and determination of online and phone impostors and scammers who try to get access to your financial assets.
Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why and how to protect your online/digital assets after you die so your beneficiaries don’t have trouble accessing them.
Ruth King
Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to provide goods and services of a 20th century model, like a restaurant, in a 21st century digital marketplace.
Candid Wueest
Candid Wueest joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that having strong passwords that you don’t use over and over, plus system updates and vigilance are all key practices that protect you from cybercrime.
Candid Wueest
Candid Wueest joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the sobering incidence of dangerous email – 1 in 300 – that have cyber attacks in them waiting to be released, plus the vulnerability of all your WIFI internet-of-things things.
Candid Wueest
Candid Wueest joins Jim Blasingame to report on the increased incidence of cybercrimes, the global economic impact, and some of the new methods.

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