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Category: Online Technologies, e-Business, Cybersecurity

Cliff Ennico
Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to report on the EUs Global Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) laws and what the percentages are that your small business could be impacted.
Rick Mathieson
Rick Mathieson joins Jim Blasingame to report on the General Data Protection regulation (GDPR) which will impact – and possibly cost money – for ANY business that violates the laws with any EU citizen.
Arran  Stewart
Arran Stewart joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that while blockchain has some of the limitations of bitcoin, it has many elements that are not limited, including how much it can be used and scaled.
Ilise Benun
Ilise Benun joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why content marketing won’t work for small businesses, if it’s not focused more closely on specific customer expectations and relevance.
Scott Powell
Scott Powell joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that small businesses have to focus on their “special sauce” of technical support and customized service emphasizing high touch with high tech in order to compete in the 21st century.
Scott Powell
Scott Powell joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the unnatural and unprecedented advantage companies like Facebook, Google, and especially Amazon have over Main Street small businesses, and what can be done to level the playing field.
Ruth King
Ruth King joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how online phishing scammers have been able to insert themselves between a business and a customer to redirect payments to the bad guys, and how to avoid this.
Chuck Martin
Chuck Martin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the seven internet-of-things transformers, including sensors, A/I, robots, voice assistants, etc., and why you need to know about them.
Chuck Martin
Chuck Martin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that Digital Transformation 3.0 is what followed the first two, the Internet and mobile computing.
Robert Bly
Robert Bly joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the biggest mistakes people make with their website strategy, including not staying up to date with capability and content.

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