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Category: Women and Minority Issues

Joan Pryde
Joan Pryde joins Jim Blasingame during Breast Cancer Awareness month to relate her own treatment experience and the improvements that have been made over the years, leading to a higher survival rate.
Joan Pryde
Joan Pryde joins Jim Blasingame during Breast Cancer Awareness Month to tell her story of discovery, diagnosis, treatment and 18-year survival of breast cancer.
Leslie Grossman
Leslie Grossman joins Jim Blasingame to tell her story as a breast cancer survivor for more than a decade, and encourage you to get screened.
Karen Cortell Reisman
Karen Cortell Reisman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to speak and behave around someone you’ve discovered is dealing with an illness, including what to say and what NOT to say.
Karen Cortell Reisman
Karen Cortell Reisman joins Jim Blasingame to tell her story about being a six-year breast cancer survivor, and what not to say to someone who is sick.
Donna Orender
Donna Orender joins Jim Blasingame to talk about celebrating young women and helping them have the maximum opportunity to be successful, while not minimizing young men.
Donna Orender
Donna Orender joins Jim Blasingame to report on why we should set aside the international “Day of the Girl”, including research that shows what young girls expect from their future.
Hector Barreto
Hector Barreto joins Jim Blasingame to report on how the 2020 census is being set up, and whether the Hispanic voter is attracted to President Trump.
Sarah Hiner
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to report on how women think men should dress, and learn that Jim will never give up his pleated pants. Also, good news about how to freeze your credit.
Anne Zimmerman
Anne Zimmerman and Hilarie Gamm join Jim Blasingame to share their perspectives on the debate and circumstances around recent accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, who has been nominated for the Supreme Court.

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