Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the concept of considering whether to hire a person who had done time in prison for committing a felony.
Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to think about whether you should allow a former employee to return to the company.
Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the tendency we all have to focus on our businesses to the detriment of our health and family relationships.
Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the issues business owners should manage to be healthy, beyond management, including healthy eating and exercise.
Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to offer more suggestions on how to grow your business while gaining and maintaining a healthy body.
Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to ask him why he wrote his fourth book, The 3rd Ingredient, and discuss his answers.
Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how Jim’s new book, The 3rd Ingredient, can help determine how to process news and participate in digital relationships.
Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how businesses, individuals and government have to work together to accomplish proactive digital ethics.
Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the steps she went through to launch a franchise, including the three key elements that contribute to successful scaling.
Ellen Rohr joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that if you want to keep your best people, you have to give them the opportunity to grow in their assignments, including taking risks and having authority.