Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some methods of calculating how to spend your capital investment based on the return over time.
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how our precious capital can be deployed more intelligently based on the return on investment of one option over another.
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that you can calculate the investment value of any capital commitment to see how best to spend your business’ money.
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some methods of calculating how to spend your capital investment based on the return over time.
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how our precious capital can be deployed more intelligently based on the return on investment of one option over another.
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what it looks like when you think you have a controller, but really only have a less-qualified bookkeeper or accountant.
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the dangerous conditions a business can get in when you think you have someone doing the job of a controller, including when that person is holding your financial operation hostage.
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the first steps to take when you want to acquire and install a true controller in your business, including a part-time person.
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to recommend small business CEOs create an advisory board of some kind that will hold them responsible for performance.
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to recommend certain management tools and expectations to manage and hold accountable your board of advisors, including financial statements.