Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that to operate your business without the benefit of current financial information, is tantamount to a failure wish.
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to discuss recognizing opportunities to grow profits and cut taxes, by having and managing with a current and accurate balance sheet.
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to use budgeting and budget accountability to reduce waste, cut costs, and grow profits and cash flow.
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that a sale plan or a succession plan are the two kinds of strategies you should have for exiting your business one day.
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the steps involved when pursuing either of the two exit strategies, including a sale or a succession.
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the options to pursue to get paid for the sale of your business, including a possible employee stock option (ESOP).
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal research that is indicating that valuations for small businesses are declining and why.
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to identify the three major factors that are affecting business valuations of small businesses, including demographics, economic, and sector related.
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to offer his suggestions for what you should do to defy the declining trend in business valuations through specific management practices.
Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal research that is indicating that valuations for small businesses are declining and why.