One way or another, one day you will leave your business for the last time. Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the reasons you want to make plans, years in advance, to exit your business one day with a big check.
Why should small business owners get to know an investment banker? Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how an investment banking firm could be the answer to helping small business owners sell their business.
Could you be the reason your business isn't worth as much as it could be? Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why a business owner's management style may be the greatest impediment to a higher sale price.
Improve accounts receivables management by looking at the big picture. Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that getting better at collecting accounts receivable requires that you consider the big picture, not just each line item.
Should you micro-manage accounts receivables? Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal tips and best practices on why and how to micro-manage the trade credit you give customers that becomes your accounts receivables.
Can collecting accounts receivables really be simple? Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to reveal three steps that will help you simplify the process of getting accounts receivables collected from customers.
Do you have a good compensation plan for your salespeople? Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the basic elements of an effective leveraged (commissions, bonuses) compensation plan for sales people.
Is your commission structure good for all parties? Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to structure a commission pay plan for sales people that motivates them to sell the products that are best for the company.
How can you make everyone happy when a sale is made? Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to structure a sales compensation plan that doesn't result in the business owner resenting the money the sales staff are making.
Do you have a good compensation plan for your salespeople? Gene Siciliano joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the basic elements of an effective leveraged (commissions, bonuses) compensation plan for sales people.