Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to remind you that since 2008, spending decisions are being made higher in your B2B customer organizations, and how to deal with that reality.
Start the new year by getting your customer lists organized. Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to use the OAK acronym to help you begin the new year, starting with getting your customer lists organized so you can manage them.
How do you get the gold out of the head of customers? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to remind us that asking customers about their business, not telling them about ours, is the straightest line to sales success.
How many different ways can you "knock" on the door of a prospect or customer? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to say that once all the research and connections are completed, you have to "knock" on some doors to get the business.
What is your sales plan for the New Year? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to talk about getting your sales plan ready to go early in the New Year, so you're prospecting and closing in January, including starting the process early in the previous year.
Do you know how to get referrals early in the New Year? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to reveal two steps that will help you prospect and get referrals early in the New Year.
What would be something in sales that would be impossible to do this year? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to encourage you to do two things this year: serve customers first and sell second, and then try to do something that others would think is impossible.
How are you going to finish your year? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to get your end-of-year prospecting strategy on track so you can finish the year on budget.
How do you instill a sense of urgency during summer prospecting? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame with tips and best practices on how to get customers to talk with you about how they use your products so you can move the sales cycle along.
Now is the time to qualify suspects as real prospects or not. Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to stop letting suspects who are not going to become customers prevent you from meeting your sales budget.