There are new tools for selling, but not new rules. Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why, although you may be using more technology in selling, fundamentals of selling have not changed – it’s still all about the customer.
Is your sales prospect pipeline balanced? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame with tips on how to fill your prospect pipeline with prospects of all sizes, from the everyday rabbits to the once-a-year elephants.
How is technology is changing the sales process? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how technology is bringing outsides salespeople inside and making them more productive.
What can you do to maximize your sales effort? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to reveal two sales traps, including when to give your team their new year sales and compensation plan, plus how to focus on your top performers.
Have your salespeople allowed themselves to get caught in the 'maybe" trap? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to drive revenue and become a better forecaster by eliminating the "maybe" prospects and focusing on when the customer intends to take delivery.
What should a small business do to have more success in sales? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to talk about what he calls the "3 Cs" of prospect qualification and how to execute them.
Do you have enough prospects for your sales pipeline for the next 90 days? Skip Miller talks with Jim Blasingame about what businesses that sell to other businesses have to do quantify how likely their current prospect list is to produce the sales volume required to be successful, including how to make the "trial close."
Want more sales for your small business, do more prospecting. Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to discuss proven tips and best practices for prospecting effectively, including a contest among the sales staff for the best "jerk" story at the end of the week.
What are the best ideas for finishing a difficult year with a flourish in sales? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to reveal key sales strategies that you must use to do a better job of qualifying prospects and therefore, close more sales.
What's the key to increasing sales revenue? Skip Miller joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the three key sales strategies that you must use, including disqualifying and making better "touches."