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Category: Business Planning

Bill Diffenderffer
How is private capital changing? Bill Diffenderffer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss some of the current issues around raising investment capital in a privately held business.
Tom Anastasi
Make lots of little decisions with an eye to the future. Tom Anastasi joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why the best growth strategy is to make lots of little decisions and keep your focus on the future by forecasting.
Ken Gronbach
What will the impact of Gen Y be as they come of age? Ken Gronbach joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the lifestyle trends of Gen Y and business opportunities that will present to serve their next life stage.
Connie Certusi
Rebranding can be a difficult, even dangerous endeavor. Connie Certusi joins Jim Blasingame to discuss Sage's recent rebranding strategy and what small business can learn from their experience.
Jason Jennings
Lead change by keeping in touch with customers and letting go of traditional thinking. Jason Jennings joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to reinvent your business by leading change and staying ahead of customer expectations.
Joe Cleary
Is the U.S. commercial real estate industry recovering? Joe Clearly joins Jim Blasingame to report on the continued slow recovery of the U.S. commercial real estate industry, expect in places like Texas.
Rick Maurer
Business plans should include customer representation. Rick Maurer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why the best companies include customer interests in their planning process.
Denis DeLuca
Outsourcing is the best thing to ever happen to small business. Denis Deluca joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how his family-owned business has successfully used the practice of outsourcing non-core competencies.
Doug Barry
There is help available to find export customers abroad. Doug Barry joins Jim Blasingame to report on how the U.S. Commercial Service helps small businesses find, contact, sell and export to customers abroad.
Doug Barry
The U.S. Commercial Service has many partners to provide free exporting education. Doug Barry joins Jim Blasingame to report on the hundreds of places to find free exporting educational services and mentoring.

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