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Category: Coronavirus

Tom Borg
Tom Borg joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the steps that are required of managers leading remote teams, especially how to communicate.
Jim Alampi
Jim Alampi joins Jim Blasingame to remind us that while we’re fighting for our lives tactically, we still have to spend some time thinking strategically about where we’re going.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals why post-pandemic small businesses must reboot their operations to the three Prime Fundamentals of customers, cash and profit.
Barbara Weltman
Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to report on how the pandemic shutdown caused the adjustment of when tax payments to be due were moved forward to help small businesses.
Chris  Carosa
Chris Carosa joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why the fact that we’ve had a coronavirus pandemic will, by definition, cause surviving businesses to learn lessons and make adjustments.
Chris  Carosa
Chris Carosa joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how business models will be revealed from the coronavirus pandemic that are not unlike the unlikely origins of the legendary hamburger.
Stephanie Carruthers
Stephanie Carruthers joins Jim Blasingame to explain how your business could become the weak link in your larger customer’s online network, and how to make sure that doesn’t happen to you.
Stephanie Carruthers
Stephanie Carruthers joins Jim Blasingame to explain how her job is to break into businesses – physical and online -- as a way to expose their weaknesses and why the pandemic is causing increasing breach attempts.
Tim Irwin
Tim Irwin joins Jim Blasingame to reveal five behaviors and practices to demonstrate as you begin to reopen your business, including being intentional, have a plan and be honest.
Tim Irwin
Tim Irwin joins Jim Blasingame to discuss why you must demonstrate leadership and character during these difficult times, and why customers will reward those who do post-pandemic.

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