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Category: Entrepreneurship

Doug Tatum
Doug Tatum joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why so many Americans are so disconnected from the reality of capitalism that they need educating about the imperative of making a profit.
Doug Tatum
Doug Tatum joins Jim Blasingame to reveal research that shows two-thirds of Gen Y think profit is a bad thing.
Joel Libava
Joel Libava joins Jim Blasingame to report on some of the issues facing franchisee prospects, especially veterans.
Walter Kiechel III
Walter Kiechell III joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why it’s important for founders to continually communicate why they went into business in the first place.
Walter Kiechel III
Walter Kiechell III joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that if you’re business isn’t performing as well as it should, perhaps it’s time to revisit the founder’s original reason for starting the business.
Doug Barry
Doug Barry joins Jim Blasingame to report on the fact that customers in other countries still want to buy U.S. good and services, and what that means for small business exporters.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame talks about the lack of startups in this recovery cycle, and reveal why this phenomenon may be to the advantage of existing, mature businesses.
Gordon Chang
Gordon Chang joins Jim Blasingame to remember Darwin Chang, father of Brain Trust member, Gordon Chang, and celebrate his life as an adopted American.
Rob Jolles
Robert Jolles joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why doing your best, with the time and information you have, is as close to perfection as you’re going to get.
Rob Jolles
Robert Jolles joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the power of imperfection and how to use it to your advantage.

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