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Category: Entrepreneurship

Jim Ballard
Jim Ballard joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the impact of energy on you and your life, and how to manage the different sources so you have the same amount pushing as pulling.
Jim Ballard
Jim Ballard joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to find equilibrium between the energy that’s pushing you and what’s pulling you.
Gary Bentley
Gary Bentley joins Jim Blasingame to tell his unique entrepreneurial story about how he got the idea to become an exporter of turtles – live turtles – to the world.
Gary Bentley
Gary Bentley joins Jim Blasingame to tell the story of his early life in foster homes, how he became an entrepreneur, and ultimately the largest exporter of turtle – yes, turtles – in the U.S.
John Dini
John Dini joins Jim Blasingame to report on whether the younger generations, Gen X and Gen Y, will be able to replace the skillsets of the Baby Boomer generation.
John Dini
John Dini joins Jim Blasingame to report on the impact of the previously largest generation in American history, Baby Boomers, and how they have and will continue to impact society and the marketplace.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals four different factors that have combined to create an unprecedented drop in business startups since 2008.
Joe  Daly
Joe Daly joins Jim Blasingame to talk about some of the factors that are holding back business startups, including dispelling some of the myths, and holding others accountable.
Joe  Daly
Joe Daly joins Jim Blasingame to report on research that shows business startups are down over past recovery cycles, and what implications this has for jobs and economic growth.
Joe  Daly
Joe Daly joins Jim Blasingame to report on Gallup research that shows more businesses are closing today than are starting, and what that means for the American economy .

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