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Category: Entrepreneurship

Wally Bock
Get your book started by writing a booklet. Wally Bock joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how to get your book writing project off the ground by breaking it into smaller parts, like beginning with a booklet.
Wally Bock
Your business could benefit from the book you write. Wally Bock joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why there are no more excuses for not writing your book, plus how it could benefit your business.
Denise Barreto
Be patient with your journey to entrepreneurship. Denise Barreto joins Jim Blasingame with suggestions for why you should be patient and deliberate in your quest for entrepreneurship by breaking your plan into small steps.
Denise Barreto
Are you doing what you were meant to do? Denise Barreto joins Jim Blasingame to offer ideas on how to find and pursue your life's work, by being intentional and taking inventory of yourself.
Jim Blasingame
Do you love your business too much? Jim Blasingame reveals the impact that love has on the origin of our business, how love can be a good influence and when it can become dangerous. Don't miss Blasingame's Law of Business Love.
Dave Anderson
Are you in love with your business or how you do business? Dave Anderson joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the problems small business owners get into when they love how they do business more than their business.
Dave Anderson
It's not easy for entrepreneurs to know when to quit. Dave Anderson joins Jim Blasingame with perspectives on how to know when you still have a chance and when to admit that the current direction is not going to be successful.
Dave Anderson
Sometimes you have a fighting chance and sometimes just a chance to fight. Dave Anderson joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why it's so difficult to make the decision to shut down a business or fire an employee.
Barbara Weltman
Te best success stories come from people who have failed. Barbara Weltman joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the power of failure as a source for how to be successful.
Jim Blasingame
America needs a national Small Business Day. Jim Blasingame to celebrates Labor Day and made the case for a national holiday called Small Business Day.

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