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Category: Entrepreneurship

Joel Barker
What country has water to spare in the Pacific Rim? Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that while China is water deficient, Japan is exporting water, and what that could mean to geo-politics and economics.
Joanne Black
Joanne Black joins Jim Blasingame to explain that you must be deliberate in your approach to customers and that you have to reach customers before they know they have a need, plus how referrals are still the best way to connect.
Olalah Njenga
Olalah Njenga joins Jim Blasingame to discuss who is responsible for the values for your company and for the understanding the values of your customers, plus getting millennials to understand the concept of values & taking them into the workplace.
Christina Cavanagh
Christina Cavanagh joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the impact of smartphones and how easy it is to run your business from a smartphone, plus how smartphones help to keep email messages concise.
Giovanni Coratolo
There is $1.2 TRILLION of outstanding student loans in the U.S. Giovanni Coratolo joins Jim Blasingame to report that 20-somethings are starting businesses at a low rate because of their record levels of unpaid student loans.
Leigh Branham
Leigh Branham joins Jim Blasingame to explain that business owners tend to hire the opposite of the person that didn't work out, but should instead stick to list of traits and competencies.
Leigh Branham
Leigh Branham joins Jim Blasingame to explain that employee referrals are the best method for hiring that results in long term retention and that most people find jobs through information connections, plus why it's risky for an employee to refer someone to job.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame explains that training your employees should be a priority, plus using convenient and affordable online training programs.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame discuss results of his recent poll which show that most small businesses are not making new investments in the future, plus why there is a dullness in the marketplace.
Gary Harpst
Use this 5-step program to solve problems. Gary Harpst joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the last two of the five-step problem solving program, including implementations and execution.

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