Category: Entrepreneurship
Should the rich give their money to their children? Zoltan Acs joins Jim Blasingame to talk about whether billionaires should leave their riches to their children or should they feel obligated to help solve world challenges.
Could Europe be saved by entrepreneurship? Zoltan Acs joins Jim Blasingame to discuss whether American style entrepreneurship could help Greece and Europe solve its financial problems.
Are you struggling to take a vacation from your business? Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how technology makes it possible to take a vacation without being completely unplugged from your business.
Are you feeling left behind by technological advances? Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how Baby Boomers should catch up and stay competitive with new technological requirements for employment and to do business.
Did you do something really creative and innovative in order to survive the recession? Brian Moran joins Jim Blasingame to introduce the launch of Wall Street Journal’s “Small Business, Big Innovation,” competition to find the most innovative small business in the U.S.
You're the most creative when you're the most threatened. Norm Brodsky joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the fact that entrepreneurs are the most creative and innovative when things are the toughest.
Emotion is just one of the facets of being a small business owner. Trudy Jean Evans joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how emotional intelligence overlays all aspects of small business ownership, with specific steps to make it work for you.
You have chosen the rules that govern you, so you can choose to change them. Peter Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to identify the rules that influence you and how to make sure they're not holding you back.
The assumptions that got you where you are may not take you forward. Peter Meyer joins Jim Blasingame to reveal three questions to ask yourself that will help you get out of your own way in your quest for growth.
George Washington had a vision that America would become “the granary to the world." Dennis Pogue joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the grand vision George Washington had for the future of America and its place in the world marketplace.
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3rd Ingredient® (453)
Banking, Investors, Capital (1523)
Business Planning (1146)
Communicating (1504)
Coronavirus (891)
Customer Care (1373)
Economy: Nation, Global (3834)
Entrepreneurship (3718)
Financial Planning (855)
Franchising, Licensing (272)
Government, Politics (6236)
Home-Based, Teleworking (555)
Immigration (163)
Innovation, Creativity (1463)
Intellectual Property (252)
Journalists (701)
Leadership, Ethics, Trust (5235)
Legal (943)
Management Fundamentals (5514)
Miscellaneous (220)
Negotiating (270)
Networking (631)
Publishing (205)
Sales, Sales Management (2127)
Start Up (904)
The Age of the Customer® (884)
Training, e-Learning (387)
Work-Life, Balance (2165)