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Category: Entrepreneurship

Jim Blasingame
Why isn’t there a day to recognize the real heroes of the marketplace? Jim Blasingame proposes a national day of recognition for those who produce over half of the U.S. GDP and employ over two-thirds of all U.S. workers – small business owners.
Anthony Saladino
Technology has revolutionized the kitchen cabinet business. Anthony Saladino joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how technology and the Internet have changed the kitchen and cabinet design business.
Leslie Grossman
Steve Jobs is arguably the most innovative entrepreneur of the last 20 years. Leslie Grossman joins Jim Blasingame to discuss unique vision and instincts of Steve Jobs and whether you and I can be more like him.
Bob Prosen
Helping politicians understand the role of small businesses in the economy. Bob Prosen joins Jim Blasingame to talk about educating politicians about their role in the success of small businesses and the economy.
Carrie Wilkerson
Job security and other fairy tales. Carrie Wilkerson joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the myth of job security and how it connects to being a small business owner.
Carrie Wilkerson
Being successful requires a healthy relationship with failure. Carrie Wilkerson joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the challenges of being an entrepreneur and the characteristics that make a successful entrepreneur, including the relationship with failure.
Jeff Zbar
Steve Jobs changed the world. Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to reflect on the entrepreneurial vision and global influence Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs, has had on businesses and consumers for over three decades.
Tom Anastasi
Do you know what personality type you are? Tom Anastasi joins Jim Blasingame to discuss types of decision-making personalities and why knowing more about them is important to your success.
Tom Anastasi
How much do you know about personality and performance? Tom Anastasi joins Jim Blaisngame to reveal why you need to pay attention to pesonality as you run your business and hire people.
Doug Tatum
Big businesses have not created net new jobs for over 10 years. Doug Tatum joins Jim Blasingame to report on research that shows the majority of net new jobs are created by established, second-stage small businesses.

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