Category: Entrepreneurship
What is an entrepreneur anyway? Terri Lonier joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the definition of an entrepreneur and the fact that there more than one kind of entrepreneur.
What are global small business owners speaking out about? Ivan Misner joins Jim Blasingame to reveal more issues of small businesses around the world, like the yo-yo economy, the effects of natural disasters, and creativity.
What do entrepreneurs around the globe have in common? Ivan Misner joins Jim Blasingame with the topics that are top-of-mind with entrepreneurs around the world, including government regulation, changing markets and capitalization.
How can we turn our consumption by-products into something useful? Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to discuss new approaches to turning waste disposal into products and unused space into production, like vertical farming.
Could slimy, green algae be in your future? Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the discovery of a hybrid algae that can simultaneously clean sewage and produce biodiesel in a very short amount of time.
There are new breakthroughs in solar technology. Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to discuss new photovoltaic technology using an all-glass process that significantly increases electrical production with smaller and less expensive solar materials.
What makes you think you're qualified to be a business owner? Carol Roth joins Jim Blasingame with startup advice on how critical industry experience is in the success of any new business.
Check the reality of being a business owner against your motivation. Carol Roth joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the realities and myths of being a business owner, including the truth about who works for whom, and the thing about getting rich.
If you're a successful imitator, how do you prepare for being imitated? Oded Shenkar joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how the pace of change and imitation has accelerated, so you have to defend from other imitators.
How do small businesses benefit from Moore's Law? Ed Yourdon joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how computer processing doubling every 18 months has resulted in great advantages and competitive power for small business owners.
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3rd Ingredient® (453)
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Entrepreneurship (3718)
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The Age of the Customer® (884)
Training, e-Learning (387)
Work-Life, Balance (2165)