Category: Entrepreneurship
How do you define success? Jim Donovan joins Jim Blasingame to talk about success in small business and explain that personal development is key to becoming more successful in business and life.
"Failure is the harness-mate of success." Barry Moltz joins Jim Blasingame to talk about using the successes and failures of great leaders, such as Washington and Lincoln, to establish your own resiliency to challenges.
Why is Hispanic entrepreneurship growing? Hector Barreto joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the growth of Hispanic small businesses in the US and what other ethnic groups can learn from surge in Latino entrepreneurship.
Does China have a Potemkin economy, or is it real? Guy Sorman joins Jim Blasingame to report on his recent trip to China and that the Chinese economy is low-tech and not very innovative, largely because it is not really a free country.
Are you part of the Entrepreneurship Organization (EO)? Alison Diboll joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the Entrepreneurship Organization, what it is and how it can benefit you as a small business owner.
Is the U.S. experiencing a regulatory crisis? Diane Katz joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the increasingly prohibitive compliance cost of regulation on small businesses, which is as much as 3X as much as big business.
What are the most essential entrepreneurial elements? Samee Desai joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the top elements every entrepreneur must have to start and grow, plus policy issues that hinder financing as well.
What is the connection between entrepreneurship and liberty? Samee Desai joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how entrepreneurship promotes liberty and how the two become symbiotic partners.
How does conflict impact the creation and development of entrepreneurs? Samee Desai joins Jim Blasingame to discuss her work on how entrepreneurs behave across a range of instability and what is necessary for them to sustain their entrepreneurial activity.
Does your community have the infrastructure to create entrepreneurs? David Audretsch joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the importance of creating an entrepreneurial community for long-term growth, from the entrepreneurial curriculum in schools to the infrastructure.
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Entrepreneurship (3718)
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The Age of the Customer® (884)
Training, e-Learning (387)
Work-Life, Balance (2165)