Category: Entrepreneurship
Sarah Hiner joins Jim Blasingame to report on some of the associated illnesses and physical failures that can result from taking too much gastric acid blocking medicine.
Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to talk about how taking time away from business, even if it’s just a little time, is important on many levels.
Jim Blasingame reveals several of the shapes of fear a small business experiences, and the different kinds of fear-fighting tools that you need in order to fight fear: performance.
Tom Asacker joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the pressure we feel to always do what feels right because it’s comfortable, and how to see the potential advantages of risking the pursuit of what “feels wrong.”
Tom Asacker joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how to look at your world from a perspective whether something feels so right it’s holding you back, and the risk of doing something else, even if it “feels wrong.”
Soulaima Gourani joins Jim Blasingame to introduce her women-only community that is already successful in Scandinavia,
Gary Sirak joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some examples of the compromising condition of the American Dream, including whether the younger generations even have the inclination to dream that way.
Bernard Kerik joins Jim Blasingame to discuss his new book, The Grave above the Grave, and how much more difficult it was to write than his other, more biographical books.
Chad Moutray joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the discrepancy in how the business media covers national job creation but not small business hiring, even when that’s the news.
Jim Alampi joins Jim Blasingame to discuss other factors about business growth, including whether having a larger business will make the founders/owners happy.
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3rd Ingredient® (453)
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The Age of the Customer® (884)
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